Why do I need to read this guide?

The Neighbourhood Planning Design Coding Guidance supplements the National Model Design Code: Part 1. It is specifically aimed at groups who wish to prepare a design code for their area. It will explain what a design code is, and what it is for. It will inform your decisions about whether you need a design code for your neighbourhood plan area and how a design code could support your neighbourhood plan priorities. It will help you understand how to set specific design parameters. It also explains the stages involved in preparing a design code and how to work with different stakeholders.

What will I learn from this guide?

  • When it would be appropriate to produce a design code for your area
  • Why you might need a design code and what it can do
  • How it fits in with other policy and guidance, including your neighbourhood plan and your local authority design code
  • The process involved in preparing a design code
  • How to work with the community, your Local Planning Authority, Highways Authorities, developers and other stakeholders, as well as any consultants you use in its preparation

When should I read this guide?

Read the Neighbourhood Planning Design Coding Guidance when getting started on your neighbourhood plan and when starting to gather evidence.

Further reading 

You may find the following toolkits and guidance helpful:

Design Coding Guidance (1.5MB pdf) Design Code Content template (205.5KB document) Completed Design Code Content template (209.2KB document) Place Assessment template (205.5KB document) Completed Place Assessment template (208.7KB document) Place Code template (201.4KB document) Completed Place Code template (30.8KB document)