This data is based on research by Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) of known designated neighbourhood planning areas across England.

The information is taken from internal MHCLG records as at 22 March 2024.

It covers:

  • The name of the neighbourhood planning area,
  • The local authority (using LA’s in operation since April 2021)
  • The latest stage of progress in developing a neighbourhood plan
  • Referendum results

This information is already public and brings together data spread across several hundred local authority websites for neighbourhood planners and researchers to use as a resource.

It is intended that this information should be updated on a quarterly basis.


This is based on MHCLG research of local authority websites and may contain inaccuracies.

You should check the relevant local authority website for the most up to date information.

If there are any inaccuracies that you want to alert MHCLG to, please contact them via

Neighbourhood Planning data Excel (165.5KB)